

44 Gaukel St. Unit 4.

Kitchener ON N2G 4P3


Ph.(226) 972-1322.


Office Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Monday to Friday





A follow up to the Beginner course

to get more proficient in Spanish.

Move on to explore the language

and its culture with fun and interesting exercises.


Designed for students who have taken the beginners course or who are familiar with basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary.

During this course you will learn the use of certain special verbs, the past, and future tenses, and will increase your fluency  through interesting conversations and discussions about past, present and future events.

Please, check our program for information on

ONE-ON-ONE instruction, group classes

and schedules.



A reflexive verb is one in which the action is both executed and received by the subject. Since the subject also receives the action, an additional pronoun

is needed. This is called the reflexive pronoun.



Susana se despierta y se baña a las 7:10 de la mañana. Luego se peina, se maquilla y se viste. A las 12:05 Susana come y toma un refresco. A las 5:30 sale del trabajo y se dirije a su casa. A las 7 se arregla y sale a cenar con su novio. Regresa a su casa a las 10:30, y se acuesta a las 11:15 de la noche.


(”se”, meaning: “herself” in English).

Trinidad, Cuba. Photograph: Juan Lopezdabdoub